This pumpkin picking magic happened, and they wore their costumes with pride. Ok, not really. Apparently my oldest has started to care what others might think. But after talking some sense into him he played along. Lest you think I was torturing them, we were on our way to a party:) Harry Potter was tripping me out because he looked so much like the real thing.
That little Tinkerbell might or might not have me wrapped around her little finger. Let’s just say her matter-of-fact way she picked a pumpkin warranted her an extra one.
If you were to ask me, I would have to say that Harry Potter’s powers are stronger than Elsa’s. He did go to school for his…
I’ll never forget when Tinkerbell came to me with her fairy wings on and said, “Can you help me? I’m not flying!” Keep trying little girl, keep trying.