I met this little guy THREE YEARS ago. I seriously did a huge double take when I saw his Mom post some birthday fun from his party announcing he was three. We have had lots of fun together, including a sister joining the family. Let’s not even get started about her cuteness, or the fact that there is something about her that looks like my own kids. I’m totally holding out hope that we’re related:) You can see Collin as a new baby, a toddler, and a big brother to this little gal. His Mom has become a dear friend of mine. She’s the type of person that always has a smile on her face and is always taking care of and serving someone else. Down right amazing. We even got to share some delicious lunch after the last shoot…man, what I wouldn’t give for that chicken salad right now! And little Collin was so well behaved while eating, not to mention he was cracking me up with his innocent silliness. I remember hanging out with my own when he was three, now he’s 9. What!?! I love the location she chose for this shoot, it’s a country club in Cleveland where their family spends a lot of time. We’ve done multiple shoots here. There is something extra special in shoots when there is a meaningful location! Thanks for the fun morning, always a joy being with you guys!