This is Katie. She told me that she wanted a lot of happy photos. I quickly figured out it’s because she is so happy. She is the type of person that builds people up, makes them feel good, puts a smile on their face, and is always laughing. What an example of goodness in this world. She has even started a non-profit organization. Yes, she is a senior in High School and started a non-profit. Awesomeness. It is called “Something that Matters”. You should go to her FB page and hit the “Like” button and visit her website too! She even gave me a bracelet! It’s blue and pretty.
Can I just say that this girl has a couple cool parents watching her back. We decided it would be really beautiful to have her sitting on this lone rock in the middle of the water. But, there was some wading required to get there. Her loving Dad offered to help her across. Let’s just say that in the process he sacrificed himself and went down, saving her. All I could do was stand there with my mouth wide open chanting in my head, “Don’t get her hair wet, don’t get her hair wet, don’t get her hair wet…” Meanwhile, he steadied himself and yells out, “Get a picture of this!” My kind of thinking.
Just look at the sweetness. Oh, and during the whole thing her Mom was taking a video. I hope that goes viral:).
Her advice to someone just starting High School is, “To be confident in who you are. People will be way more drawn to you if you are completely yourself, and you’ll attract friends that are most like you.” I like it. She’s wise.
Thank you so much for having me be part of your senior year Katie. Seriously love hanging out with you! I wish you the best and hope you enjoy your last year in High School. I have a feeling you will…because you just don’t know how to do it any other way.